18:06Financial PlanningREITS GOING UP NOW BECAUSE OF RECESSION FEARS? | Is This True? Which SREITS To BUY?23 March, 20258,005
29:38Retirement PlanningHow to Prepare for Retirement Within 5 Years: 401k, Savings & Investment Changes26 February, 2025106,632
8:43Financial Planning⚠️ Retirement Has Changed Dramatically (and not for the better)19 February, 202525,546
11:04Financial PlanningThe Most Important Thing You Can Do For Your Financial Plan14 February, 202516,976
30:16InvestmentsMy $1.9 Million Stock Portfolio Unveiled | $40,000/Month Passive Income - UPDATE #4430 January, 202515,164
9:10Stock InvestingRetire Early with Dividend Income: Buy These Stocks for Passive Income (Step-by-Step Guide)13 January, 202534,685
9:10InvestmentsRetire Early with Dividend Income: Buy These Stocks for Passive Income (Step-by-Step Guide)13 January, 202528,088
9:10Retirement PlanningRetire Early with Dividend Income: Buy These Stocks for Passive Income (Step-by-Step Guide)12 January, 20251,478
10:30InvestmentsPassive Income: What a £500,000 Dividend Portfolio and Premium Bonds Paid Me in 2024.4 January, 202517,377
21:44InvestmentsMy $1.9 Million Stock Portfolio Unveiled | $36,629/Month Passive Income - UPDATE #4330 December, 202412,940
31:18Retirement PlanningMaximize Your Early Retirement: Should You Save to 401k or Brokerage Accounts?1 December, 2024123,530
24:10InvestmentsMy $1.8 Million Stock Portfolio Unveiled | $31,170/Month Passive Income - UPDATE #4226 November, 202416,959
14:25Stock InvestingHow I Made $22,000+ this Month in Investment Income | Stock Portfolio Review8 November, 2024236
32:37Stock InvestingMy $1.68 Million Stock Portfolio Unveiled | $31,081/Month Passive Income - Monthly UPDATE #4128 October, 202414,832
32:37InvestmentsMy $1.68 Million Stock Portfolio Unveiled | $31,081/Month Passive Income - Monthly UPDATE #4128 October, 20249,166
15:53InvestmentsThe HOLY GRAIL of Income Investing Found?! Covered Call ETFs Beating the Market22 October, 202414,770
15:07Retirement PlanningStop Calculating Retirement Expenses Wrong (Do This Instead)11 October, 202473,061
12:24InvestmentsWarren Buffett: BEST Dividend Investing Strategy for 2024 👉START with $100 👈 Set up Passive Income 👍8 October, 2024456,138
12:41InvestmentsThese Stocks Pay MONTHLY Dividends on EasyEquities! South Africa Passive Income8 October, 202445,763
17:43InvestmentsHigh Yield Income Investing For beginners : How Do High Yield ETFs Get Money to Pay Us?4 October, 20241,056
2:32:43InvestmentsSmart Investors Keep it Simple: Creating passive income with dividend stock investing | Audiobook2 October, 202429,579
12:36InvestmentsThe Fastest Way You Can Live Off Dividends! ($2900 / month)29 September, 20241,668,711
16:42InvestmentsHow I Made 5-Figure Dividends on EasyEquities! Passive Income South Africa29 August, 202425,575
16:09InvestmentsMy Grandparents' Investments Unveiled! EASY $5,100/Month Passive Income16 August, 20247,164
14:20Investments5 Passive Income Investments You Can Make With $1000 (BEGINNER-FRIENDLY)16 August, 20241,227,595
8:23InvestmentsDividend Investing for Beginners: Your First $1,000 in High Yield Stocks4 August, 20249,584
8:23Stock InvestingDividend Investing for Beginners: Your First $1,000 in High Yield Stocks3 August, 20246,628
24:42InvestmentsMy $1.55 Million Stock Portfolio Unveiled | $22,626/Month Passive Income - Monthly UPDATE #3829 July, 20248,664
30:25InvestmentsWOW! - Marcus TFSA Portfolio Unveiled | $11,000/Month Tax Free Income in a TFSA15 July, 20246,586
22:04InvestmentsJuly 2024 High Yield Dividend Income Funds Overview & Stock Market Update | Ep.51 (Canada)8 July, 20246,176
2:32:43InvestmentsSmart Investors Keep it Simple: Creating passive income with dividend stock investing | Audiobook2 July, 202418,685
11:08Financial PlanningYou Need ALOT More To Retire Today Than Just 5 Years Ago. Here’s How Much More1 July, 202413,653
33:59Stock InvestingMy $1.5 Million Stock Portfolio Unveiled | $28,088/Month Passive Income - Monthly UPDATE #3627 May, 20247,565
16:42InvestmentsHow I Made 5-Figure Dividends on EasyEquities! Passive Income South Africa27 May, 202420,936
22:25Retirement PlanningHow to Invest Your Portfolio to Maximize Retirement Success26 May, 202414,416
6:20Stock InvestingThe Ultimate Guide to Stock Investing: Turn $2,000 into over $120,000!25 May, 2024418
30:33Financial PlanningHow to Know When You Should Stop Saving for Retirement (and What to Do Next)10 May, 202417,027
20:18InvestmentsMay 2024 High Yield Dividend Income Funds Overview & Stock Market Update | Ep.49 (U.S.)9 May, 20245,454
30:59Best InvestmentsHow to Retire at 55. 3 Crucial Steps to Optimize Early Retirement15 April, 202423,966
30:59Financial PlanningHow to Retire at 55. 3 Crucial Steps to Optimize Early Retirement15 April, 202423,764
30:59Retirement PlanningHow to Retire at 55. 3 Crucial Steps to Optimize Early Retirement15 April, 202423,659
11:39Stock InvestingThe Dangers of Dividend Investing: 5 MUST KNOWS Before Buying Dividend Stocks!1 April, 202414,819
14:21Wealth StrategiesThis High Yield Dividend Wheel Strategy will Surpass Your Full-Time Job30 March, 2024136
15:25InvestmentsHow Much Money Made from Dividend Investing February 2024 I Dividend Investments and Dividend Income1 March, 2024643
12:41InvestmentsThese Stocks Pay MONTHLY Dividends on EasyEquities! South Africa Passive Income25 February, 202418,817
30:19InvestmentsMy $1.37 Million Stock Portfolio Unveiled | $25,122/Month of Passive Income - UPDATE #3323 February, 202414,079
2:32:43InvestmentsSmart Investors Keep it Simple: Creating passive income with dividend stock investing | Audiobook23 February, 20246,982
37:31Stock InvestingDividend Stock Investing For Beginners (Complete Tutorial) 20233 February, 202463,671
18:51InvestmentsWarren Buffett: The FASTEST Way To Living Off Dividends! ($4400/month)26 January, 2024507,071
14:13Stock InvestingIf I Could Only Invest In One Stock It Would Be...? - Answering Your Questions!13 January, 202412,444
14:56InvestmentsWarren Buffett: The Fastest Two Ways to $8200/month from Dividends (Passive Income)11 January, 20241,502
12:07Financial PlanningRetirement Planning in Your 50’s: Tips For Financial Freedom10 January, 202420,028
14:24InvestmentsWarren Buffett: Start With 5$ And Never Work Again - The Fastest Way7 January, 20249,393
12:24InvestmentsWarren Buffett: BEST Dividend Investing Strategy for 2024 👉START with $100 👈 Set up Passive Income 👍6 January, 2024419,428
12:36Best InvestmentsThe Fastest Way You Can Live Off Dividends! ($2900 / month)5 January, 2024803,227
14:20Investments5 Passive Income Investments You Can Make With $1000 (BEGINNER-FRIENDLY)5 January, 20241,215,121
12:36Retirement PlanningThe Fastest Way You Can Live Off Dividends! ($2900 / month)5 January, 2024802,512
35:06InvestmentsMy $1.26 Million Stock Portfolio Unveiled | $24,524/Month of Passive Income - UPDATE #3118 December, 202311,043
13:54InvestmentsThe Dividend Snowball ➜ Living off Dividends fast! (faster than you think)17 December, 2023312,501
26:34Financial Planning10 Mistakes That Make You a Poor Middle-Class No Bank Can Save You!14 December, 20235,695
12:59Financial PlanningHow to Financially Retire in South Africa: My 5 Year Plan6 December, 20231,751
20:58Financial PlanningThe Earliest (& Safest) Time to Stop Saving for Retirement4 December, 202324,244
19:43Financial PlanningThe Social Security Trap: When Waiting Until 70 Becomes a Huge Mistake27 November, 202357,232
22:00InvestmentsHorizons ETFs 9 Brand NEW ETFs: Enhanced Income & Growth EQCL QQCL ENCL HEQL LPAY etc.19 November, 2023824
26:47InvestmentsMy $1.2 Million Stock Portfolio Unveiled | 🚀🚀$23,821/Month Passive Income - UPDATE #3015 November, 2023548
15:17Financial PlanningThe Truth About BlackRock's Plan To Control Real Estate By 203011 November, 202350,303
33:26InvestmentsNovember 2023 High Yield Dividend Income Stock Picks & Stock Market Update | Ep.448 November, 20233,180
9:25InvestmentsYieldMax November Dividends Announced (Passive Income, Make Money w/ High Yield)7 November, 2023734
19:16Financial PlanningThe Hidden Danger of Relying on Traditional Retirement Planning4 November, 202312,325
15:17InvestmentsThe Stock Market is DOWN! - Should you be WORRIED? 10 Reasons Not to Be!1 November, 2023395
9:59Wealth Management3 Reasons Selling Stock is Better than Dividend Income (In Retirement)18 October, 202325,584
1:22:10Stock InvestingDividend Investing for Beginners & Dummies - Stock Market Audiobook Full Length18 October, 202329,274
13:29InvestmentsMy 71K Dividend Portfolio Update and Dividend Snowball Effect Passive Income Strategy15 October, 2023374
37:31Stock InvestingDividend Stock Investing For Beginners (Complete Tutorial) 202314 October, 202358,354
31:38InvestmentsOctober 2023 High Yield Dividend Income Stock Picks & Stock Market Update | Ep.4311 October, 20231,434
10:01Stock Investing3 Tips Before Investing In Stocks! | Stock Market For Beginners5 October, 2023457
13:11Financial PlanningShould YOU Buy Property OR Invest Into REITs For Retirement Income?29 September, 20237,142
18:20InvestmentsWhat is “Passive Income Investing”? | My DIY Investing Strategy Explained - Make it your OWN!23 September, 20236,107
12:53Financial PlanningSmart Parents Guide for Teaching Kids to Invest: A Fun and Easy Way to Learn!17 September, 2023686
29:28InvestmentsSeptember 2023 High Yield Dividend Income Stock Picks & Stock Market Update | Ep.4210 September, 20232,027
15:33Financial PlanningFinancial Freedom: 21 Rules for Young Americans to Follow for A Better 20249 September, 20234
11:45Best InvestmentsRetirement Planning: How to Retire Rich (Even If You Haven't Started Saving Yet) 🚀6 September, 202392
11:45Retirement PlanningRetirement Planning: How to Retire Rich (Even If You Haven't Started Saving Yet) 🚀6 September, 202392
13:40InvestmentsWarren Buffett's Secret To Passive Income: Dividend Investing | How To Live Off Dividends28 August, 2023104
14:16Best Investments$25/week/person = $89,000/year Retirement for an average couple!27 August, 202310,254
14:16Retirement Planning$25/week/person = $89,000/year Retirement for an average couple!27 August, 20239,804
9:45Financial PlanningYou Will Never Have To Work Again! Retire Early And Achieve Financial Freedom Through These Steps!22 August, 2023401
12:24InvestmentsWarren Buffett: BEST Dividend Investing Strategy for 2023 👉START with $100 👈 Set up Passive Income 👍28 July, 2023212,373
28:43InvestmentsMy $1.17 Million High Yield Dividend Stock Portfolio Unveiled! | $14,044/Month Passive Income - #2624 July, 202311,448
30:47InvestmentsPurpose Yield Shares OUTPERFORMING? | Monthly Income & Less Stress on Growth Stocks! TSLA AMZN GOOG19 July, 20231,881
4:32InvestmentsDividend Investing Strategy | How to earn passive income | smallcase | 20227 July, 202314,425
11:52Retirement PlanningWhat To Do When You Are Investing For Retirement Later In Life6 July, 2023237
14:21Best InvestmentsThink Retirement = 🚫 Work? You may NEVER retire. Do THIS instead.1 July, 20231,453
14:21Retirement PlanningThink Retirement = 🚫 Work? You may NEVER retire. Do THIS instead.1 July, 2023549
17:12InvestmentsNEVER LOSE MONEY in the Stock Market - The 6 “Golden Rules” of my Income Oriented Investing Strategy21 June, 20231,392
12:10Best InvestmentsHow to Retire Faster: These Investments Belong in ROTH IRA vs. Best Stocks for Brokerage28 May, 202336,279
12:10Retirement PlanningHow to Retire Faster: These Investments Belong in ROTH IRA vs. Best Stocks for Brokerage28 May, 202336,279
9:23InvestmentsWe Retired By 28! $456,000 Dividend Portfolio Dividend Investing Living Off Dividend Income19 May, 20234,887
36:36Investments$1.1 Million High Yield Dividend Stock Portfolio Unveiled | $13k/Month Passive Income | Update #2415 May, 20239,008
17:35Financial Planning11 Things To Do Before You Want To Retire - Retirement Planning15 May, 2023594
13:56Stock InvestingStock by request: The Ultimate Guide to Stock Investing for Beginners5 May, 2023280
14:20Investments5 Passive Income Investments You Can Make With $1000 (BEGINNER-FRIENDLY)4 May, 20231,198,864
29:41InvestmentsQYLD RYLD XYLD: No BS! Only Facts: Dividend Policy, Taxes, NAV Erosion? Global X Covered Call ETFs27 April, 20236,887
13:29Financial PlanningThe Fed’s Plan To End Money | CBDC | What You Need To Know11 April, 2023290,852
33:06InvestmentsApril 2023 High Yield Dividend Income Stock Picks & Stock Market Commentary | Ep.3710 April, 20236,605
29:18Stock InvestingSEE MY TOP 10 LARGEST DIVIDEND STOCKS (Dividend Stock Portfolio Update)9 April, 20234,900
12:35Stock InvestingHere is the PERFECT Dividend Portfolio: Only Need These 7 Dividend Stocks7 April, 202311,979
10:48Financial Planning10 Uncomfortable Truths I Discovered Retiring Early - Financial Independence Retire Early7 April, 2023318,245
14:29InvestmentsDividend Investing Portfolio Review [FULL BREAKDOWN of Passive Income ]5 April, 2023869
32:28InvestmentsMy $1 Million+ Dividend Stock Portfolio Unveiled | $13,382/Month Passive Income Update #23 Mar. 20233 April, 202311,077
16:48Best InvestmentsF.I.R.E - 6 Uncomfortable Truths we discovered about Early Retirement & how to mitigate them22 March, 20239,658
16:48Retirement PlanningF.I.R.E - 6 Uncomfortable Truths we discovered about Early Retirement & how to mitigate them22 March, 20239,658
37:30Investments70%+ Yield?! YieldMax Option Income ETFs OARK & TSLY | Synthetic Covered Calls on ARKK & TESLA22 March, 20239,820
11:37InvestmentsRegular Income from Stock Market | Passive Income for Beginners Malayalam8 March, 20235,844
15:10Investments5% Risk Free? Risks/Rewards of High Interest ETFs For Passive Income6 March, 20232,271
18:15InvestmentsMy 21K Dividend Portfolio Dividend Income | February 2023 | Passive Income Dividend Growth Investing5 March, 2023194
9:39Best InvestmentsRetire in 5 Years? | Our Retirement & Dividends Portfolio Reveal (We Invest To Retire Early)3 March, 20231,577
9:39Retirement PlanningRetire in 5 Years? | Our Retirement & Dividends Portfolio Reveal (We Invest To Retire Early)3 March, 20231,566
33:28InvestmentsMy $1 Million+ Dividend Stock Portfolio Unveiled | $12,270/Month Passive Income Update #22 Feb. 20232 March, 20235,737
13:11Investments5 Dividend Stocks I'm LOADING UP On For More Cashflow & Passive Income26 February, 20231,050
7:57InvestmentsWhich Investments Should You Make In 2023? (PASSIVE INCOME IDEAS!)25 February, 20232,239
1:10:41Financial PlanningCan You GROW Your Retirement Income During a Market Downturn with Dividends!?23 February, 20231,375
10:19InvestmentsHow To Build Wealth With Passive Income! – Using Assets To Buy Liabilities19 February, 20231,493
18:13Stock InvestingHIGH YIELD NOW: My New Dividend Stock Strategy For 2023 & 202418 February, 20234,202
22:30Investments2022: Blockbuster Year for Income Investors | 20+ New High Yield Funds Created!16 February, 20234,552
13:12Investments3 Dividend Stocks with Dividend Growth and Great Passive Income ( Dividend Income )11 February, 2023193
13:57InvestmentsSwitching Investing Strategy? Growth → Income | Sell at a LOSS or WAIT IT OUT? Factors to Consider6 February, 20234,655
16:23Investments5 Passive Income Investments You Can Make With $1000 (BEGINNER-FRIENDLY) 🤑💰3 February, 20232,674
10:48Best Investments10 Uncomfortable Truths I Discovered Retiring Early - Financial Independence Retire Early28 January, 2023393
10:48Retirement Planning10 Uncomfortable Truths I Discovered Retiring Early - Financial Independence Retire Early28 January, 2023381
25:29Investments2023 Stock Market Investing: 20 TIPS for Beginners! Save Time & Energy25 January, 20231,815
37:07Stock InvestingThe Complete Guide to Dividend Investing on the Jamaica Stock Market22 January, 20235,315
18:19InvestmentsTop 10 Lessons Learned In 2022 as a Long Term Income Oriented Investor15 January, 20231,437
22:55InvestmentsIncome vs Growth if you DON'T NEED INCOME - 9 Advantages of Income Investing11 January, 20231,211
6:56Stock InvestingStock Investing Made Simple: A Beginner's Guide | How to Invest in Stocks10 January, 20231
16:13Financial PlanningSECURE Act 2.0 | 7 Important Changes That You Need to Know9 January, 20234,872
16:34InvestmentsMy Income Oriented Stock Portfolio 2022 Performance Review: $142k PROFIT, $0 LOSS. It's Working!2 January, 20236,119
30:26InvestmentsMy $1 Million Dividend Stock Portfolio Unveiled | $11,652/Month Passive Income Update #20 Dec. 202216 December, 202210,025
11:57Best InvestmentsDividend Investing (Retiring on Dividends, The Best Retirement Plan)14 December, 202243,607
11:57Retirement PlanningDividend Investing (Retiring on Dividends, The Best Retirement Plan)14 December, 202243,605
6:22InvestmentsBEST basic strategies for making money on stocks. Investment portfolio and Passive income5 December, 20220
8:32Investments📈 Investing For Dividend Income - x2 Profit Per Day | Passive Income | Investing For Beginners5 December, 202243,400
9:09InvestmentsOver 500 SHARES | This Dividend ETF and Dividend Stock Pays Us $350 Every Month | Dividend Stocks27 November, 2022116
4:49InvestmentsInvestments and shares to KICK START passive wealth | COMPLETE INVESTING GUIDE FOR BEGINNERS 😮🤔🤑26 November, 20220
9:41InvestmentsPassive income manifesto: how to build streams of passive income on autopilot25 November, 202210
14:38InvestmentsBrand New U.S. Covered Call ETFs by Blackrock iShares: TLTW LQDW HYGW Covered Calls on Fixed Income?24 November, 20223,059
35:04InvestmentsEasy Dividend Investment Strategy For Passive Income | #Dividend Stocks19 November, 2022237,585
29:24InvestmentsMy Entire $990,000 Stock Portfolio Unveiled | $11,652/Month Passive Income | Update #19 Nov. 202218 November, 202213,844
14:20Investments5 Passive Income Investments You Can Make With $1000 (BEGINNER-FRIENDLY)17 November, 20221,171,044
5:11InvestmentsInvestment and shares to create passive wealth | BEST INVESTMENTS TO CREATE A PASSIVE INCOME! 🤑9 November, 20222
14:18InvestmentsTop 6 Monthly Dividend ETFs to Buy in 2022 for Passive Income! (High Yield)4 November, 202211,877
16:42InvestmentsTHE ONLY 4 DIVIDEND INVESTMENTS YOU NEED TO GET RIDICULOUSLY RICH (passive income for life)2 November, 202210,130
10:16InvestmentsThis dividend company has been rewarding it's investors for 50 years31 October, 202268
17:53Financial PlanningThe not so obvious part of pursuing Financial Independence, Reitre Early (FIRE)17 October, 20223,179
30:09InvestmentsIntro to Covered Call ETFs featuring BMO | Higher Dividend Yield with Less Volatility!25 September, 20221,170
16:23Investments5 Passive Income Investments You Can Make With $1000 (BEGINNER-FRIENDLY) 🤑💰24 September, 20222,630
17:42Investments$1000 per month from DIVIDEND stocks? (Passive income from investing)17 September, 2022215,248
38:20InvestmentsHYLD: Bad Investment? Are the Dividends Sustainable? | Why I'm Investing 15k in HYLD!11 September, 20221,350
2:49InvestmentsSimple 1 Step Investing for Beginners | Passive Income - Warren Buffett6 September, 202223
14:20Investments5 Passive Income Investments You Can Make With $1000 (BEGINNER-FRIENDLY)31 August, 20221,160,784
8:32Investments📈 Investing For Dividend Income - x2 Profit Per Day | Passive Income | Investing For Beginners30 August, 202241,970
35:04InvestmentsEasy Dividend Investment Strategy For Passive Income | #Dividend Stocks29 August, 2022231,801
9:23InvestmentsTOP 5 FUNDS TO INVEST IN 2022! Active & Passive Funds For Dividend and Growth!26 August, 2022315
37:07Stock InvestingThe Complete Guide to Dividend Investing on the Jamaica Stock Market25 August, 20223,316
6:02Stock InvestingBest Dividend Stock For Canadians (In A Recession) // Passive Income Guide24 August, 2022769
11:57Best InvestmentsDividend Investing (Retiring on Dividends, The Best Retirement Plan)24 August, 202241,894
11:57Retirement PlanningDividend Investing (Retiring on Dividends, The Best Retirement Plan)24 August, 202241,889
13:20Investments3 High-Yield Dividend Stocks to Watch for Earning Passive Income and Dividend Income23 August, 2022743