The New Retirement Strategy That’s Changing the Game

The New Retirement Strategy That’s Changing the Game

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In the world of financial planning, there's one thing that often gets overlooked. Retirement is not just about investments and numbers; it’s about embracing life's joys and purposes.

James uses a real-life scenario of Bill and Susan, who experienced societal expectations where work became a distraction from indulging in what made them truly happy. Their narrative reveals a missing piece in the understanding of wealth—the absence of experiences and moments that bring joy and fulfillment.

Despite successful careers, Bill and Susan found themselves working in jobs they didn't love and enduring long hours. They were aiming to retire at 67 mainly because of social norms and past family experiences that guided their decisions. Financially, they were well off and set to have substantial savings by retirement. Their fear of spending more or retiring early came from a sense of duty and guilt. Through a financial planning session with Root, they discovered that they could lead a more fulfilling life by making adjustments to work, enjoying their hard-earned money, and giving back to their community. This realization offered them a way to improve their lifestyle, prioritizing their relationship, family, and personal enjoyment without drastically affecting their financial security.

Bill and Susan's struggle highlights the prevalent dichotomy between working from passion and duty. The discontent with their work, driven more by obligation than enjoyment, is true for many who find themselves working away at the promise of a distant retirement.

Here’s what we can learn from Bill and Susan’s story:

👉 Money's Role: Money is more than just currency. It's a multifaceted tool that unlocks various opportunities in our lives. It's a pathway to experiences, comfort, and possibilities, offering freedom beyond financial stability.

This freedom isn't only about amassing wealth but also about living life on our terms. Money serves as a means to express our values by supporting causes and making positive changes in our communities.

👉 Intentful Living: Living intentionally means aligning actions with core values, consciously focusing on what matters. It’s about self-reflection and understanding genuine desires beyond societal norms. This approach prioritizes present choices in harmony with personal aspirations, examining resource use to bring joy while reducing wastefulness.

👉 Holistic Approach: A holistic approach to life is interconnected rather than segmented. This outlook perceives work, relationships, health, and fulfillment as interlinked elements influencing one another.

In financial planning, this approach integrates present choices with long-term objectives, balancing wealth accumulation with present experiences. By acknowledging diverse needs—emotional, physical, and mental—it encourages a balanced, multi-dimensional life focused on well-being and growth.

👉 Authenticity: Living authentically means embracing your genuine self beyond societal expectations. In financial planning, authenticity ensures your financial decisions match your values. It's about defining genuine wealth and what truly matters to you, like experiences, relationships, or making an impact.

Similarly, in working choices, authenticity means picking a path that mirrors your interests and strengths. Authentic relationships stem from honesty and respect, fostering openness and deeper connections.

Bill and Susan’s story provokes introspection and a reevaluation of our relationships with wealth and life's richness. It encourages us to contemplate our own decisions and consider that perhaps true wealth isn't just in numbers.

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0:00 Intro
5:48 Bill and Susan’s projection
9:57 Comparing withdrawal to portfolio
12:35 Understand this
15:07 What we’re not saying
18:29 How we view things
22:01 What’s the value of extra years?
24:48 The takeaways
27:46 Outro

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