Future of Wealth Management - Fintech | AIM Summit Webinar

Future of Wealth Management - Fintech | AIM Summit Webinar

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"Future of Wealth Management - Fintech: Disruption & Differentiation of Players Across the Industry" webinar sponsored by Saxo Bank https://www.home.saxo/en-mena
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Mark Chahwan, Co-Founder & CEO of Sarwa https://www.sarwa.co/about, Deepak Mehra, Head of Investments at Commercial Bank of Dubai https://www.cbd.ae/ and Thomas Schornstein, Member of the Executive Board at additiv AG https://additiv.com/ discuss:

- What will the industry look like in 10 years?
- Who will be using wealth services? Is the target demographic changing and will the Millennials have different requirements than previous generations?
- What will the future wealth offering look like?
- How will technology affect the offerings provided by banks and fintechs?
- Will AI play a bigger role and how?
- Will asset allocation and modern portfolio theory change with the continued range of ETF and Smart Beta funds?
- How will fintechs fare against banks in this space, will we see different offerings from each or just pure competition?

This webinar was moderated by Nicholas Wright, Head of Institutional Sales at Saxo Bank
MC - Zachary Cefaratti, Founder & CEO at Dalma Capital Management Limited https://www.dalmacapital.com/
#aimsummitwebinars​ #wealthmanagement #fintech

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Wednesday, 17 February 2021 | 5 pm GST | 8 am ET

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