Peter Lynch Selecting Stocks Even During Recession| Stock Investing for Beginners

Peter Lynch Selecting Stocks Even During Recession| Stock Investing for Beginners

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Peter Lynch Selecting Stocks Even During Recession| Stock Investing for Beginners

“You shouldn't be intimidated, everyone can do well in the stock market. You have the skills, you have the intelligence. It doesn't require any education, all you have to have is patience, do a little research and when you've got it, don't worry about it, don't panic.” Peter Lynch managed Fidelity Magellan for 13 years. In those years, nine times the market declined by 10% or more. Magellan fund fell 10% or more and he learned a lot of lessons. “I think they're true now, I think, they were true 20 years ago, I think they'll be true 20 years from now” In one of his presentations, he said, “I think I can help you do a better job of investing. You can't learn years of stock picking experience in one night but you have better stock picking skills than you realize and the advantages that no one on wall street has. I'm here to help you find them and use them” You may be wondering why stocks are so crucial for long-term investing. The quick answer is that equities outperform other assets over time.
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