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Retired Early at 44 by Buying These “Boring” Investments:
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Chris retired early in his mid-40s thanks to a “boring” investment strategy that ANYONE can copy. He didn’t have a rental property portfolio, a money-making side hustle, or a big inheritance. Instead, all he did was diligently invest (NOT just in his retirement accounts). Then, he woke up one day dissatisfied with work, knowing he had the power to do something about it.
After twenty years in the nine-to-five grind, Chris quit and now spends his days cycling, rowing, rock climbing, and doing anything BUT work!
But if this “boring” FIRE strategy is so easy, why isn’t everyone doing it? The honest answer: we have NO idea! This is truly one of the most repeatable ways to retire decades earlier. The downside? You’ll need to be diligent AND keep your expenses low to invest more money to FIRE faster!
Why does Chris say NOT to put all your money into your retirement accounts? What’s his super simple investing split that gives you a stress-free path to FIRE? Stick around to find out!
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