Building A Plan To Help Your Retirement Savings Last A Lifetime | Fidelity Investments

Building A Plan To Help Your Retirement Savings Last A Lifetime | Fidelity Investments

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You’ve spent years focused on building up savings to get TO retirement. Now let’s build a plan to help that savings last and generate the income you need to enjoy a secure and thriving retirement.
We’ll discuss everything from building a plan that continues to help you grow savings, generate income, and provide a personal “paycheck” each month, to identifying sources of income, including personal savings, as well as Social Security, pensions, annuities, or dividends, and estimating expenses in retirement, from essentials like housing, healthcare, and additional aging care needs, to funding the ‘fun stuff’ like family time, travel, and other hobbies, to strategies for withdrawing funds from different savings and investment accounts with taxes in mind.

o 00.38 Introductions
o 02:12 What is a retirement income plan
o 03:00 Who is a retirement income plan for
o 05:27 The retirement income plan process
o 07:29 How do I know if I have enough money to retire
o 11:23 Getting started with a retirement income plan
o 12:14 Tips for a successful retirement income plan
o 17:04 Healthcare in retirement
o 20:37 Will my savings last in retirement?
o 24:04 EPG (Emergency, Protection, Growth) Framework
o 27:41 Average Annual Expenses by Age Group
o 31: 31 5 Key Risks to think about while doing a retirement income plan
o 37:25 Withdrawing money during retirement – is there a right way to do it?
o 40:01 Working with a financial consultant
o 43:58 Wrap up

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