Which One of These Popular Stocks Would I Buy?

Which One of These Popular Stocks Would I Buy?

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Publish Date:
3 October, 2023
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DISCLAIMER: The content on The Swedish Investor is for informational and educational purposes only and should not be construed as professional financial advice. All investment strategies and investments involve the risk of loss. Never invest money that you can't afford to lose. Any reference to an investment strategy’s past or potential performance is not, and should not be construed as, a recommendation or as a guarantee of any specific outcome or profit.


Yes, you read the title right. This video is not theoretical, nor is it based on a book. This is a practical video in which I'll analyze some of the most popular stocks out there – Apple, Microsoft, and Tesla. I'll look at these sought-after companies through my lens of value investing to see where I’d be most likely to put my own money today. The winning stock will be crowned the "King of the Hill".

Before we get to the stocks, let me present the framework that I use to evaluate publicly traded companies. This process has been refined after over a decade of beating the market, and after reading some 100 books on investing, so I hope you’ll like it. What is it, and how does it work? In short, it´s made up of three parts: growth, distributable cashflows, and multiple change. It’s these three parts that create returns for us as shareholders. Let´s go through them one by one.


🔍 My main tool for fundamental screening and analysis of stocks: https://app.tikr.com/register?ref=tsi


00:00 Intro
04:08 Apple
10:38 Microsoft
16:53 Tesla
24:50 Secret Bonus


My goal with this channel is to help you make more money and improve your personal finances. How to become a millionaire? There are many ways to get there – investing in the stock market, becoming a stock trader, doing real estate investing, or why not becoming an entrepreneur? But whether you are interested in how to invest in stocks or investing strategies for creating passive income with rental properties – I hope to be able to provide you with a solution (or at least an idea) here. Warren Buffett - the greatest investor of our time - says that you should fill your mind with competing ideas and then see what makes sense to you. This channel is about filling your mind with those ideas. And in the process – upgrading your money-making toolbox.

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