Top 3 Things To Invest Your Money In 2023

Top 3 Things To Invest Your Money In 2023

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Publish Date:
17 May, 2024
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2023 is knocking at our doors.

If one of your new resolutions involves investing more but don't where.

You can definitely start here:

First, Invest in yourself

learn skills that will either help you towards promotions or a side-hustle

When you have the extra cash flow it is easier to invest in other assets that will help you earn passive income in the future

Second, Real estate is a safe bet, always…why?

Because home values will go up, even if the market is going down.

You can also use your real estate properties as leverage to buy more investment properties

Next, Stocks!

Now, this a long-term investment play - at least 5-10 years so you can mitigate the fluctuating nature of stocks. 

Or better yet, stocks with dividend payments then hold it long term.

Watch: "All-In Podcast Episode 13 - Commercial Real Estate and Business Brokerage"