Passive Income: Investments Ideas for Beginner

Passive Income: Investments Ideas for Beginner

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How the Rich Gets Richer is by leveraging on their cash into investments to make money work harder for them, and finally generate them passive income.

The pre-requisite before you could go ahead with investment idea is you got to save up a portion before getting started. If you think you can risk it all, it is a better idea for you to first establish your emergency funds as top priority before heading for any of your investments.

Although rewarding, every investment comes with risk as well. It is essential for you to evaluate the pros and cons before you make your move. If you are a beginner, be sure to speak to your advisor or investors who are experienced first to make a comprehensive understanding on what you are putting yourself into.

In this video, we will show you on a few evergreen ideas on how to use your savings to help you generate good passive income, doubling your money faster by leveraging on the higher yield these passive income ideas could bring you.

00:05 Preparation before going into investment
01:35 Investment Idea 1
04:06 Investment Idea 2
12:25 Investment Idea 3

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DISCLAIMER: The sharing of ideas in this videos are based on our experience as investors and shall not be used as the final decision when deciding your investment portfolio. It is advisable for you to seek advice from your financial advisors, experts before making your final decision.

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