What's the Market Going to Do in 2023? | Portfolio Rescue 57

What's the Market Going to Do in 2023? | Portfolio Rescue 57

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On episode 57 of Portfolio Rescue, Ben Carlson and Duncan Hill are joined by Portfolio Rescue veteran and tax expert, Bill Sweet, to discuss why higher inflation should be good for stocks, offsetting capital gains, what to look for in a CPA/tax planner, and much more! Submit your Portfolio Rescue questions to askthecompoundshow@gmail.com!

►00:00 - Intro
►01:25 - Stock Market predictions for 2023.
►04:52 - Why higher inflation should be good for stocks.
►09:54 - offsetting capital gains.
►13:55 - Mutual funds to ETFs.
►17:25 - Changing asset allocation with increasing net worth.
►21:55 - Roth contributions.
►25:58 - What to look for in a CPA/Tax planner.

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Investing involves the risk of loss. This podcast is for informational purposes only and should not be regarded as personalized investment advice or relied upon for investment decisions. Duncan Hill, Bill Sweet, and Ben Carlson are employees of Ritholtz Wealth Management and may maintain positions in the securities discussed in this video. All opinions expressed by them are solely their own opinion and do not reflect the opinion of Ritholtz Wealth Management.

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