💥Rewire Your Retirement:😱Shocking Data &🎮Game Plan

💥Rewire Your Retirement:😱Shocking Data &🎮Game Plan

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0:00 Introduction
01:38 In USA, Half have Zero Saved
02:35 Retirement Ages in the G20
03:21 Global Life Expectancy on the Rise
04:19 1 in 5 ie 20% will be over 65 in 7 Years
04:42 Living Longer Costs a Lot More
05:55 Healthcare Cost is a Real Issue
06:20 Years of Exceeding Retirement Savings Lifespan
07:06 Avg Household Retirement Savings by Age
07:55 Avg Social Security Benefits
08:45 Programs Will be Squeezed
09:05 Social Security Insolvent Before 2035
09:35 Avg Household Health Expenses by Age
10:21 Median Household Net Worth by Age
11:12 Summary Data
12:14 And USA is Better Than Most
13:41 Global Labor Force Participation Rates
14:30 Gig Economy = No Pensions/Retirement Plans
14:59 Excess Savings Almost Depleted
15:39 $5M Retirement
15:58 65 Yr Old Paul Shemwell - $6.1M
16:57 The Myers 61 & 60 Yr Old - $4.2M
17:44 72 Yr Old Dr Hwu - $1.5M + RE
18:45 The Freys - 80 and 75 Yrs Old - $6M
20:01 Case Studies & Retirement Secrets
20:26 Retirement Gender Deltas
21:02 How Long will $1M Last in Big Cities
21:45 Patreon Exclusive Poll Conducted
22:05 Poll Results from 7170 Voters
22:33 Poll Survey Results Red is Concerning
24:40 Community Top 10 Concerns Re Retirement
28:43 Each Day Fewer Expect to Reach Goals
29:24 Top Concerns for Those Retired
29:59 How Much Retirees Expect in Retirement
30:58 Time To Plan
31:05 Expected Investment Returns by Asset
32:08 Bitcoin Diminishing CAGR is Still Great
33:26 Price Targets - Choose What Works For You!
33:35 Bitcoin Diminishing CAGR is Still Great pt 2
34:33 Bitcoin Cycles - 120K to 240K Theoretically Possible
35:04 Example Bag Planning - IA Bear Case
37:23 Always a Chance Things go to Zero - Allocate Accordingly
37:53 Retirement Series - More to Come