How to Create a Special Needs Plan that Covers all your Bases: A Masterclass by Gilfix & La Poll

How to Create a Special Needs Plan that Covers all your Bases: A Masterclass by Gilfix & La Poll

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Publish Date:
19 September, 2022
Financial Planning
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Attorneys Michael Gilfix and Mark R. Gilfix discuss the following topics in this vitally important webinar:

• Ensuring that you have a financial safety net for your loved one with a disability
• Protecting them from bad actors
• Why an improperly structured special needs plan may be worse than no plan
• The crucial role of life insurance and integrated financial planning
• Keeping the family home for your child WITHOUT the property tax increase under Prop 19

Originally presented on August 31, 2022

This video is presented for educational purposes only. It is not meant to provide legal advice. For us to provide you with legal advice, we need to meet with you to understand your specific issues.

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