Ep 80: The 20 Biggest Money Mistakes In Retirement Planning

Ep 80: The 20 Biggest Money Mistakes In Retirement Planning

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Publish Date:
19 May, 2023
Financial Planning
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In the complex world of retirement planning, there are countless pitfalls one could fall into. In this episode, we've distilled it down to what we believe are the top 20 mistakes to watch out for. Avoiding these crucial missteps can have a significant impact on the success of your retirement plan. So, join us as we delve into these key issues and learn how to navigate them effectively when it's your turn to plan for retirement.
1. Ignoring the future tax implications of your retirement savings.
2. Starting Social Security too early.
3. Focusing on returns instead of income during retirement.
4. Being too aggressive or too conservative.
5. Taking advice from friends and family on how to invest.
6. Not diversifying investments.
7. Procrastinating saving for retirement.
8. Not having a clear retirement goal.
9. Relying solely on employer-sponsored retirement plans.
10. Inability to adjust your investment strategy as you approach retirement.
11. Withdrawing from retirement accounts too soon.
12. Ignoring long-term care costs.
13. Not adjusting your retirement budget for inflation.
14. Overlooking the importance of estate planning.
15. Failing to regularly review and update your retirement plan.
16. Ignoring healthcare expenses.
17. Not paying off high-interest debt before retirement.
18. Assuming you won’t live a long time.
19. Poor communication between spouses about money.
20. Forgetting about sequence of returns risk.
Important Info:
Securus Financial: https://www.gosecurus.com/
International Financial Advisory Group: https://www.internationalfinancial.com/
Call John: (858) 935-6210
Call Thomas: (973) 394-0623