How To Retire Early with 0% Investment Returns

How To Retire Early with 0% Investment Returns

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Worried that the 4% rule for early retirement might not work in the future? Well, that's no problem, because you can actually still retire early, even if your lifetime investment returns are ZERO percent!

Detailed write-up on our blog:

The safe withdrawal rate (SWR) is a huge point of debate in the financial independence / retire early (FIRE) community. Some people argue that the four percent rule won't hold up in years to come, and a more conservative "3% rule" should be used instead.

But I wondered what would happen if you were SO skeptical of investing in the stock market that you insisted on assuming 0% returns for life.

As it turns out, investment returns actually aren't all that important for FIRE seekers with ultra-high savings rates.

Video contents:
00:00 - What's More Important than Investing for Early Retirement?
01:10 - The 4% Rule for Early Retirement with Investments
02:38 - How To Retire without Investments

#financialindependence #retirement #investing


We're Lauren and Steven, and we followed some simple financial guidelines that allowed us to quit our full-time jobs forever by age 29. We created Trip Of A Lifestyle to share the knowledge that changed our lives for the better. All of our content is free.

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