How to Retire Early in Your 40s by Supercharging Your Savings

How to Retire Early in Your 40s by Supercharging Your Savings

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You CAN retire early, even if you JUST found out about the FIRE movement. Whether you’re in your twenties, thirties, forties, fifties, or sixties, you could be only a decade away from living the rest of your life exactly how you want. No boss, no office drama, and no more spreadsheets (woo!). So, how do you get started? Just repeat what Arik Peterson did, who was able to retire at just forty-four from his high-stress corporate investing job.

Arik was able to reach financial independence and retire early in just a decade. After reading Mr. Money Mustache’s famous FIRE blog, Arik quadrupled his savings overnight and started investing all the money he had into boring investments most Americans don’t pay attention to. Now, he spends all day fishing, biking, drawing, and doing DIY projects instead of staring at a screen!

If you want to hear exactly how Arik did it, why he disagrees with the 4% rule, what he’s investing in, and why getting laid off could be the best thing to ever happen to you, keep watching!

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How to Retire Early (From Someone Who Did at Age 27):
Financial Independence at 35 by Investing on “Autopilot”:
Read the Mr. Money Mustache Blog:
Ed Slott’s “Fund Your Future: A Tax-Smart Savings Plan in Your 20s and 30s”:
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00:00 Early Retirement in His 40s!
00:59 Finding the FIRE Movement
02:10 Life Before FIRE
04:57 Saving 70% of His Income!
08:34 Recovering "Money Obsessor"
10:15 "Put Your Risk in Your Roth"
12:43 Ditch the 4% Rule!
14:21 From Laid Off to FIRE at 44!
17:06 Connect with Arik!